Email: Phone: 01613765648

Loyalty Card Terms and Conditions

Janea Nail Studio - Manchester City Centre


You must give Janea Nail Studio your loyalty card when paying for a qualifying service to claim a loyalty stamp. There is no guarantee we will give you a stamp at a later date if you fail to give us your loyalty card when completing your purchase.


To claim a 20% discount, you must acquire 5 loyalty stamps. You can claim the loyalty discount for the service that gives you your 5th stamp. We will subtract 20% from the purchase price for the qualifying service.


Collect a stamp for each individual service that costs £12 or more. A stamp can’t be given when you’re claiming any other promotional offer or discount.

Risk of Loss

Janea Nail Studio will not accept liability if a loyalty card is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without your permission.

Change of Terms

Janea Nail Studio reserves the right to change these loyalty card terms and conditions from time to time in its discretion and without prior notice to you. Janea Nail Studio reserves the right to withdraw loyalty cards at any time and for any reason.

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